
Small (usually $50-250), low-interest loans provided to an individual or a family to start a business in their community or develop their existing gardens can have a huge impact on their economic stability. The low interests collected from these loans can then go right back into the program to increase the amount of funds available for other members and help cover operating costs, which allows for longevity and sustainability.

Micro-loans help families start small businesses.

Jorge Galliega, Julia Los Flores attending a customer at the store they opened in front of their home with a $250 Garden’s Edge microloan. They sell many products that their neighbors did not have access to before, as well as some products produced by the Qachuu Aloom Association. Using the profits, they are able to support their family.

Our program is largely based on the philosophy and work of Novel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Foundation. Dr. Yunus’ microfinance model—and our own experience—shows that a relatively small investment in rural families can have a significant impact on their economic security and success.

Micro-loans help women farmers grow crops like amaranth.

Blanca Marcel Gonzalez, from the village of Los Encuentros. with her first Amaranth harvest. She started this garden using a $100 microloan from the Garden’s Edge. She still grows Amaranth in her garden and sells the seeds through the Qachuu Aloom Association.


Garden's Edge microloan helps woman make and sell natural shampoo. In 2005, we provided Juana with a $20 microloan to start making shampoo using her own mixtures and mostly natural ingredients. She is a single mother, and now sells her shampoo in 2 municipalities. Not long after starting this business, she was able to buy meat for her children for the first time in their lives. Using the amount of money that many of us spend on a night out, she was able to create an enterprise that provides a steady income and helped pull her family out of poverty.