COVID-19 Response

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Guatemala has implemented strict curfews, required mask-wearing, and social distancing, but the numbers of cases are rising faster than the country’s weak health care system can handle. The shutdown of public transportation and the more recent lockdown has restricted access to markets and the prices of food staples have almost doubled. People are either scared to go to the market or they cannot afford it. 

Vouchers for Subsidized Local Health Foods and Supplies.

Together, with our Guatemalan partners at the Association Qachuu Aloom, we’ve developed a voucher system to address the serious threats of food scarcity and community health while recirculating money within the local economy. With monthly vouchers, each of the 500 families of Qachuu Aloom (QA) can buy staples like Amaranth, locally grown basic grains and healthy foods, seeds, soap, masks, hand sanitizer, and other essentials at subsidized rates through the QA Community Health Stores. Most of these products are made at QA, and others are sourced from surrounding communities. Masks are made by local sewers, using cloth made by local weavers and we’re ordering soap made by members of QA. 

We’re buying extra seeds from farmers to keep our seed bank stocked for the upcoming planting seasons. This helps generate income for our families and encourages them to continue planting their gardens and fields. 

Creative Solutions to the COVID-19 Pandemic

With restrictions on mobility, the staff at the Association Qachuu Aloom are limited to working in their own communities with the resources they have at their disposition. This poses an interesting opportunity. We’ve invited each of the 18 member staff of Qachuu Aloom to submit proposals for forwarding our collective vision while addressing the pandemic. These short-term projects will begin in June and we will be posting them one by one so that you can see how our partners are stepping up as leaders to address the health and wellbeing of their community and of Mother Earth.

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We thank you for your support and we wish you all the best of health,

The Garden’s Edge