Decolonizing Agriculture in Guatemala

Today, Maya Achi communities face food insecurity as recurring droughts and extreme weather devastates crops. International markets for export crops are collapsing and COVID-19 has communities on lockdown with no access to markets. For Julian Vasquez Chun, this crisis gives rise to opportunity or as we say in Permaculture, the problem is the solution.

Community Health Stores

Nolverta Osorio De Paz Nolverta Osorio is a member of the Association Qachuu Aloom (QA) from the community […]

Winter 2019 Newsletter

It’s our pleasure to share with you these inspiring stories of our work in Guatemala and in the […]

Building Resilience at ...

by Rebecca Day Cutter, Garden’s Edge Administrative Assistant Recently I had the opportunity to write and deliver a […]

Guatemala’s First Sand Dam

To address serious water shortages, The Garden's Edge is collaborating with the community of Chixolop in the department of Baja Verapaz, to build the first sand dam in Guatemala.

2018 Annual Newsletter

We are so excited to share with you, this year’s stories about the people that we work with […]