2018 Annual Newsletter

We are so excited to share with you, this year’s stories about the people that we work with and the experiences we’ve had. To read a PDF version of our 2018 Annual Newsletter, click on the image below.  

We thank all of our supporters and partners who help us create a more just and sustainable world. You can make a difference! Join our new Seed Savers’ Program by making a monthly recurring donation or click here, to make a one-time, tax-deductible contribution.

In Guatemala, your donation supports seed saving, microloans for farmers, scholarships for Maya Achi women, midwifery, and home gardens. In the U.S., your donation supports farmer exchanges and the Seed Travels Project. 

The ancient seeds we protect carry within them the stories and songs of their people. We invite you to join us in multiplying these seeds and sharing their stories.

Thank you for your support!

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